Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Meditation - you can do this

The most common answer I hear when I ask if someone meditates is that they are not sure they are doing it right and get frustrated.   This is where i generally ask the person if they do laundry, vacuum, wash their hair in the shower, pray or even drive.   You see these tasks tend to evoke a meditative state within us without us trying.  Have you ever noticed you tend get inspired or figure things out while you drive?  Have you ever gone into autopilot and think oh did i pass my exit?  Have you ever showered and you realize you are thinking about an old friend and feel the need to reach out only to find they are struggling with personal tragedy and you somehow knew to call?

So you see you have been mediating for a very long time now you just did not know you were.   There is actually no right or wrong way to mediate its all quite personal.  Once its demystified and you realize you are actually a pro at daydreaming you can roll up your sleeves and sit with intention now.  

If you are just starting out here are a few tips for you.  First of all be comfortable.  You may want to find a guided meditation that was prerecorded to start off.  I recommend guided meditations to start out because your mind will wander and you will think why cant I follow this but the trick is to let your mind wander, allow your mind to process and then find that guided voice and get back to the instructions but don't judge yourself.   

Its advisable to keep a notebook handy as well for when you are done meditating.  If you are meditating and notice a relative that passed away is in your meditation take notice of this. Jot down your impressions.  You may see colors or flickering of light,  again jot these things down.  

You will find that if you just dedicate a week of ten minutes of meditation a day by the end of the week you will feel a shift in yourself.  You see each time we sit with intention we go a little bit deeper.  Its like if you follow a GPS to get to a destination the first time around its a little confusing but if you make the same drive every day you start to notice the trees and the flowers and the quaint homes along the roadside.