Flashback Friday's- cutting cords

This flashback Friday takes us back to where I solidified my belief in cutting cords.  For those not so familiar with the term, you can imagine that from the time you are born each relationship you have has a cord or energetic tie to you. These cords are predominantly emotionally based and connect to different parts of us for different lessons.  They can be useful to ensure we do our personal work but they can also make us a bit sluggish when we can't seem to let things go and feel unhealthy.  If you have ever done a session with me you know I am a tremendous fan of cutting all cords daily, taking personal inventory and allowing what I see as a reboot to take place similar to when you restart an electronic device that is acting wonky.  

Let's flashback to the year 2000.  I am doing individual readings for a group of people on this particular night.  I am deep into a reading with a gal and she is very distraught over her sibling taking advantage of her.  She had inadvertently become the parent figure years prior due to her own parents being absent.  This had created great stress in her life at the time and she was aware that her sibling was the root of her issues.  She was ready to release this and stop enabling him and take back her life.  

So, with her agreeing to clear and cut cords, we energetically did just that.  Within a minute or so we heard frantic knocking at the door as though there was some sort of emergency.   The emergency was the sibling that we just cleared away, who sensed the shift,  was calling repeatedly demanding to speak to this gal.  The sibling was irrational and shouting out how he loves her and needs her.  

This event was the first of dozens and dozens of signs of instant validation in regard to cutting cords.  The important thing to remember is this works best when we are ready to take responsibility for our share of the connection and most often the other party involved will react and try to reengage you or test you.   My client was not trying to remove her brother from her life, her goal was to allow a full reboot to occur so the relationship could be healthy.  


Motivational Monday- free will is your gift


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