Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Flashback Friday- no this isn't hell

This flashback Friday takes us back to the early 90's.  While doing a reading I connected to my client's grandfather.  It was not uncommon to connect to a loved one and be able to validate them but this one was different in that this one was Earthbound.  

To give you some background here, I was a recovering Catholic at the time and well, if you are not in Heaven and you show me your life here but there are no flames behind you, then are we all in hell?  This Gentleman had passed over 30 years prior to the reading and showed me the bars he frequented as well as the brick walls along his walk from bar to bar (he was a big drinker while alive)  Naturally I left this reading confused.  Did he know he was dead?  Where are his guides?  Where are his loved ones that were to greet him at his passing?  Did he get turned away from the big pearly gates?  

Of course google and Siri were not available on AOL dial up so what's a girl to do?  I started to ask around (covertly of course) who I could talk to about all this.  We have come a long way as a whole on these topics but resources were slim at the time.  (keep in mind Reiki was top secret back then)  

I found my answers at my meditation group in a trusted friend who knew much more than I. I was informed not to worry and to communicate as though he were alive through my mind with him and any others in the future.  She taught me that just because someone has passed,  not to assume they know any more than they did while alive including their communication skills.   She said to explain through thoughts that he can get to the light and that no matter his reason for not getting into the light in the past he has more ability to help his loved ones from the other side than from here.  I thought ok, got it, I can do this.  

Sure enough it was as though he knew I could help him now and showed up the next few nights.  I was not fearful of him at all, he was very kind but I thought I hope this is working because I really love and need my sleep.  By the last night he came to thank me.  He filled my heart with such a powerful love from the other side that the tears just poured down my face.  

For those of you like me that are stressed out that this man was lost and need some answers, here they are:

  • Our guides are always there when we pass but they respect our free will choices to hang around if we feel we want to or need to (yes, we all have guides) most leave after their funeral and some choose to spend a few months or years to help those suffering.  
  • There are levels or dimensional states we enter when leaving our bodies and we are never lost
  • This is not hell even though at times it sure feels like it
  • Time as we know it and time on the other side are not even comparable.  30 years here is like a few minutes there

Since this reading I have made it a point to have the telepathic thought memorized as sort of a hand out to any lost or confused souls.  Often they do not know where they are headed when they are leaving here but I make sure to give them the images to help them feel confident they will have access to their loved ones when they are ready to make the transition into the light.