Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Motivational Monday- faith or fear

I realized while pondering the upcoming Monday's motivational theme I was continually drawn to memes about fear.  The few that stood out the most were:

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it- Nelson Mandela

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself- Wayne Dyer

The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think- David Icke

As a psychic medium I work daily with clients and fear comes up in almost every session in some form.  I have a wooden plaque set intentionally to catch my eye in my office that reads "Let your faith be bigger than your fear." I thought to myself,  "Why is this resonating so deeply with me today?"  Is it the news?  What is this?  

After meditating I laughed because the stories and motivations I really want to share about my life experiences produce fear within me.  Not because they are fear based or scary, on the contrary, I have been allowed to witness incredible things that allow me to inspire so many,  but because others may judge.  I have overcome so many fears or obstacles in my life and yet there are still ones that pop out and dare me like now.  

I have been blessed with excellent teachers who have taught me to break it down, ask what is the core of my fear.  Stand there and face it dead on.  

Fear is common,  people fear failure, death, rejection, criticism, loneliness, disappointment, physical pain,  the unknown and they may even fear being happy.  I was honest with myself and asked myself really what is my biggest fear here and how do I dare it and see it as just a lesson to master?  The inner rule is if you are walking your talk and your intentions are pure there should be nothing to fear.  I thought is it really being judged because whose faces do I see when I am honest about that concept.  Why do I need to impress anyone?  I am not into sales, I am into healing.  Then it hit me, I realized it was the fear of success.  The fear of really just being me.  How often do you really feel like you can just be you?  Whatever fears you have please look them in the eye and dare them.  Start living today!  


