Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Flashback Friday- lighthouses

During a reading my guides use different images and symbols to help me decipher the messages they have for the client.  One of the most powerful symbols they use is a lighthouse.  This tips me off as to what the client is learning or experiencing at this time in their life.   

To share the first time they used this imagery with me I was sitting with a gentleman that knew his wife had severe emotional issues.  You see when they met he was so busy showering her with gifts and love he did not notice it was not reciprocated.  He knew she was rarely happy as of late and knew somewhere behind her eyes was the woman he fell in love with.  Due to this understanding  he bent over backwards trying to make her happy much to their demise.  He felt continually unloved and under appreciated but could not figure out why.   He even went so far as to hire someone to follow her assuming she was having an affair. She was not.  He had come up with every excuse why she was not herself and how it was his job to fix her.  

I was told to tell him he needs to be the lighthouse.  I was instructed to tell him that love is light and lighthouses need to stay on the coast in one place just like he needs to be consistent and structured in his life.  I was told to tell him that she was on a sailing vessel surrounded by rough seas but within sight of the lighthouse.  I was shown to share with him that the lighthouses job is not to go out into the stormy sea or then both the lighthouse and the sailing vessel would be lost.  I was told her challenge or lesson was to learn how to love others and that his love examples from the past would help guide her way to shore.  This could not happen while he was continually enabling her.  She needed to choose to learn to love.  He felt he would somehow be punishing her by not fixing her.  She was good at making him feel guilty for not showering her daily with gifts and love and he was good at punishing himself.  They were both equally kicking and screaming to avoid the lesson.

The lighthouse represents the need for self love in a reading to me.  Many relationships consist of one party that loves deeply and assumes everyone else does too and another party that loves themselves and assumes that everyone else should love them too.  Commonly,  once the sparkle of the relationship diminishes they start to both get quite frustrated and resentful.  

Needing to be the lighthouse is of course, in a sense, a compliment to someone.  It means to me they love deeply and unconditionally.  The only thing they now need to learn is to love themselves, which is not easy for these types of people as they much prefer to to love others. They feel it's selfish to love themselves.  They feel if they can see how they can fix someone else they should.  They often need permission to love themselves.  

If you know someone that is a lighthouse give them permission to love themselves today.