Flashback Friday's - she can see too

There are readings through the years that have changed not only my clients path or faith but have changed my own and allowed me many hours of pondering and smiling.  This flashback Friday is taking us back to circa 1999.  

I was living on Long Island at the time and had a location reading for a group of gals for individual readings.  Back then I would take about a half hour per person privately.  Often I can see the loved ones that have passed on as hologram images over the person or near them so i just work to make that connection for the person I am sitting with.  Once the validation is made its wonderful to facilitate the love that pours into the clients heart from the connection.  

On this particular night my second client and I started our reading in an ordinary way when I started to notice this hazy yellow mist in the room.  I keep pushing through to accomplish my task of interpreting the who, what and where when I noticed the mist becoming dense to where I was  not able to see my client.  I then noticed her calling me Nanny and could hear her crying.  I could see her image standing up and putting her hand out to touch me to see if this was real.  I pushed through this thinking "What is happening here?"   As the haze started to lift I could now see my client just in tears trying to gather her thoughts.  

You see on this occasion her Grandmother, who was a highly evolved soul, was able to use her energy to come over me and allow my client to see her in what she described as a hologram like image.  This had never happened before in a session.  I can see this way but having a client now see over me really blew my mind.  

What I loved most about this flashback is that this gals grandmother was more of a mother to her than her own mother and losing her had really caused her great strain on her life.  This session allowed her to know her grandmother was still very much involved in her life. 


Motivational Monday- It's all in perfection


Motivational Monday- personal passion