Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Flashback Friday- S.O.S.

This flashback takes us back to 2006.  My dear friend Merrill's father was in hospice laboring to be reborn to the other side.  Merrill at the time may as well have moved into the hospice to be with him, she was there day and night.  I enjoyed running energy on him at least three times a week and hearing his stories of his life's travels for the last six weeks of his life.    For those not familiar with the term "running energy", it's basically Reiki on steroids streamed through someone.  

During this time her father was given blood transfusions every few days to help support his diagnoses of leukemia.  On the "good" transfusion days he was sitting up in bed, reading the paper and on the not so great days he was disoriented and exhausted.  On one of those not so great days I sat in the room running energy from a chair pondering why and how.  I accepted that the energy work was doing what it was supposed to and as part of practice you always take your ego out of any work you do.  I just could not grasp why we could not help him at least with the simple things like reading a paper or chit chatting.  I found myself asking why and begging for some help for him or some clarity. 

Within a few moments the nurse came in to check his vitals and start a new IV bag.  I watched with disbelief as she fiddled with his IV her hand had an odd glow to it and with this glow came the knowing that intervention was occurring.  I was given understanding that she acted as  a sponsor or go between for healing and the IV bag was being used for this.  

Whenever I have experienced these events where things look like a glowing hologram there is always a vast amount of information that comes with the event and a feeling that I can only describe as a combination of a sugar and caffeine rush along with some sweating. They are usually only for a few moments but feel much longer.  

I watched as her father started to perk up before our eyes and fully embraced the understanding that we are used as sponsors for others on a regular basis.  I still feel so blessed to have been allowed to see and understand this.  

As years have passed since this event I have been able to understand the concept of sponsoring someone with more depth.  To simplify the core to this concept, is when a  soul needs some help they will energetically send out an S.O.S.  So, for example, if I can't stop thinking of a client randomly I know to send help.  This can be in the form of a prayer or energy work.  It's really just intention.  It does not necessarily mean I need to call but it means sponsor the person or send help.  I know I did my role or job because the need or thoughts then subside.  Due to free will our guides and surrounding spirits can not intervene without a request or a sponsor.  It's a safe bet to send the help with the highest of intentions or unconditional love. 

Have you ever noticed when you were struggling through some tough times you will have random people call up and say they were thinking of you.  They were picking up on the S.O.S. your soul was sending out.