Motivational Monday - the frying pan

Is life happening to you or is life happening for you?   If you find yourself thinking I must have bad luck, a black cloud or a hex then life is happening to you.  I promise you that you are not here to fail.   

Here's a way to see how it works:  you are walking down your own little yellow brick road and along the way you are drawn to certain things or lessons or people.  During this process you wander a few feet or so off your little yellow brick road.  Sometimes you wander a few yards  but it's OK, we all need lessons to grow.  

Here is the thing, when that lesson is completed and it's time to get back on your path life will sort of gently nudge at you.  You will have that knowing and maybe even a song will speak to you and let you know it's time to pack it up.  This can apply to a relationship, a job or even a living situation, it's really about where you are on your path.  

When you have ignored the nudge or found a way to talk yourself out of what you know is best for you, life then says, OK, you need a good shove.  The shove shakes you up.  It invokes fear in you.  You have friends popping up asking "Are you alright?" You feel a bit dizzy at times and disoriented.  You think to yourself, I know I have to make some changes.  You hope somehow that someone else will change or someone will rescue you or you will win lotto.

So now comes the frying pan.  I always laugh at this point as I literally see it as a cast iron frying pan coming at me in my cartoon world thoughts.  The frying pan is the universe's way of turning your life upside down to help you get back on your intended path.  The frying pan can be getting fired, having a car accident, finding out your mate is cheating, the frying pan is the moment you can choose to say I am doomed or Thank you universe I know you are trying to help.  

Think back to the events that you knew were your big frying pan moments and you thought how is this ever going to be OK?  If you are able to reflect on those moments then you already know you are not here to fail.   You just might forget sometimes but in your truth you know that the frying pan is a gift.  



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Flashback Friday- S.O.S.