Motivational Monday - its time

During a meditation in the early 90's I was shown what appeared to be similar to a campground.   It was night time and across this huge field there were people sleeping everywhere.  I was carrying an old lantern and going from person to person shaking them to wake them up.  I was shown to wake everyone because we needed to go and be ready.  I had a few others awake with me doing the same as I was doing.

I knew at the time waking them meant awakening spiritually but had no idea where we all needed to go or be ready for.  It was one of those visions that even all these years later I can tap into clearly.  To share with you any dreams or visions that happen, especially with our loved ones that have passed, if you can access them clearly they are visitations.  That's how you know the difference between our imagination and visitations.  

I have pondered this experience for years and knew that certain clients that were drawn to me where going to wake up or enlighten.  It was not something I advertised for obvious reasons.  

Two weeks ago I was woken up and shown the same vision and told it's time.  I was also shown mindful work is a big piece of this as well.  The "it's time" came with the knowing that masses of people were going to awaken now.  It's pretty exciting if you ask me.  Happy Motivational Monday!   





Meditation - the bench


Flashback Friday- lighthouses