Motivational Monday- mind reading in the nursing home

In the late 90's I was asked to pay a visit to a nursing home to see if I could connect to a woman who had recently suffered a stroke.  The woman was bedridden and could no longer speak.  

I was not sure how I could help but was willing to give it a try.  

Sure enough while visiting this woman I was able to understand that she wanted to hear what was happening in the family,  she wanted the gossip.  She wanted to continue the way she was living even though she was stuck in this bed now.  She had shown me an image of a dress for a wedding she wanted to hear about.  She had not skipped a beat due to her stroke but the family up until then had gone into a state of shock coping with the situation. She also motioned to pull me into the crook of her neck which confused me but her daughter said that is how she would hug everyone before her stroke.

The moral to the story is thoughts are real and are energy.  We think we only communicate through means of words or writing but thoughts convert into energy forms.   I am not a mind reader but I can read energy as simply as someone can read words in print.  

This understanding points directly to the importance of being mindful or being aware of your thoughts.  If you find yourself always thinking negatively this energy is real and sitting in your aura.  The people around you may not be trained to read the thoughts but they will be able to feel this while being near you or interacting with you.  No one walks around in a constant state of euphoria but we can pick and choose what thoughts are welcome and what thoughts get kicked off the conveyor belt of the inner mind.  






Flashback Friday- I will never forget you


Flashback Friday- human chains