Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Flashback Friday- I will never forget you

This flashback is a recent one and a painful one as it pertains to a loss that was connected to my son.  My son lost a love due to an overdose in October of 2016.  She was a beautiful young girl that I had not met in person but had video chatted and talked to on numerous occasions.  This turned my son's world upside down of course and I am thankful she has become such a good communicator.   

Since her departure on numerous occasions she had let me know she was sitting with us while we spoke of her and was able to convey her mannerisms and her choice in clothing that he knew was her.  This son ( I have three sons) is extremely intuitive but there is always a fine line when you lose someone you love if it's your imagination or its really the person you love that you are communicating with.  

Since I was aware of her overdose and aware she was in a place of learning I made a point to pray as often as I could for her speedy recovery on the other side and movement into the light.  Overdoses are a similar energy to suicide so the process has no definitive time connected to it and its got a similar feeling to a hospital or spa on the other side to help the soul recover.  

To my surprise in January of this year (about 14 weeks after her passing) She came to me in my dream state wearing all white and looking just gorgeous.  She had chosen some very trendy white jeans and a lovely short  white sweater to appear in.  ( I am always impressed with the way spirits want us to see them)   What she did next was at first confusing to me because she had me wake up during this dream or visitation to what I thought was my son yelling on the back lanai.  He was screaming "I will never forget you".  I jumped out of bed disoriented and ran to the back looking for my son.  I was confused what was happening and then found him fast asleep.  I thought that was odd but it was OK, I knew she wanted me to know through her chosen attire that she was in the light.  I wrote it off that maybe this was just a way for me to remember this visitation.  (at times I will hear a door bell or phone ringing to get me to wake up to remember certain events)  

Since this was a painful subject I waited a day or two to let me son know what happened.  When I did share this event he said to me that this event actually had happened about 6 hours prior to my dream/visitation.  He was in his car driving and talking to her which became yelling and those were the exact words he was yelling to her.  She was clever enough to validate him through me that she heard him and let us all know she was safe and sound on the other side.