Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Motivational Monday- free will is your gift

You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your life’s story for you. – Unknown

I really can't impress this concept enough.   Working as a psychic medium there are all too many clients who want me to choose their future for them.  I have said it a hundred times and I will likely say it a hundred more,  never let anyone take your free will away from you.  Never ask what will happen or allow anyone to project onto you.  Its OK to ask questions that would have an answer to things like: "If I take this path what would be the outcome?" or "What is my lesson in this?" or "How does this job opportunity look for me?"

When I connect to anyone's loved ones they never shout out orders, instill fear or use guilt.  Your loved ones generally wish peace or closure for you.  Most often they are so happy to connect to you that they will share details about their passing or seek to validate you by showing me things that often do not make any sense to me but they allow you to validate or confirm it's them.  Most often they want to say thank you.  On certain occasions they will tip you off to help you avoid certain pot holes ahead but never do they interfere with your free will.   

When I connect to spirit guides they are concerned with aiding you on your path.  You want to remember your life path has lessons and no matter what choices or path you take you will still have those lessons, but your free will allows you to choose the background scenery.  Free will allows us our individual identity.  Think of it this way, if dining out were the lesson or the path that someone is on then where you dine or the food choices are the free will.  Guides and loved ones do not care where you dine out or what food choices you make, they care about your souls overall journey.  

Free will is your gift so never give that away or allow anyone to project their's onto you.