Planting Tomatoes

If you plant tomato seeds you can logically expect to harvest tomatoes at the end of the season.  In fact, if you take good care of those seedlings you can logically anticipate a bountiful harvest of tomatoes. 

So what if thoughts are seeds?  

What if our consciousness is just the harvest of the past collective consciousness of planted seeds?  

Think for a moment about what are you planting right now?  Think about the bulk of your thoughts.  Be honest with yourself.   Our greater consciousness is filled with fear, anger, hate, discrimination, judgment and jealousy.  It's not easy to stay positive in these darker times.  

I am busy every day planting the seed that we all start to see each other as souls and not as skin, culture, religion, size or shape.  It's easy for me to plant this seed because it's how I see people already.  The work I am blessed to do allows me to see into each person's individual soul and see their gifts of creativity, intellect or compassion to name a few.  This is what people look and feel like to me.  Have you ever closed your eyes and really looked at someone?  

My inner voice says keep planting seeds. 






Flashback Friday- I will never forget you