
I recently had a lovely read with a gal hoping to connect to her deceased father. Her dad came through with many validating messages but by far the sweetest message he brought was about a hummingbird he had been blending with and using to communicate with her. By blending I mean his soul was able to merge into the hummingbird temporarily to get her attention. She said this hummingbird was following her around and just staring at her and that she thought maybe somehow it was him. Well, it was him alright. 

The reason I chose to hand pick this readings summary and share it was that less than an hour after this lovely read my cousin Joan texted me a video titled “morning hummingbird encounter” I hit the play button to see the image of a green hummingbird just like the one from the reading sitting in her hand. I just thought wow, thank you, sometimes I take for granted how we are all so connected and that these messages need to be shared.

So yes, that moth or bird or squirrel that seems to stare deeply into your soul and you simultaneously think to yourself it’s your departed loved one, yes, it’s them blending with the animal for moments to say hello.


Planting Tomatoes