Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Motivational Monday- It's all in perfection

One of the most challenging lessons for me was the "It's all perfect honey" lesson.  I was blessed with a spiritual teacher in my early 20's that no matter what I would whine about she would say its all perfect honey and laugh in this way that made you know she knew with confidence that she was right.  She would always say something like "oh you are so cute"  I, on the other hand did not agree with any of it.  I was kicking and screaming attached to my childhood belief system that there is nothing perfect about the lessons, events or struggles.  

Many years later I can confidently say for sure it is ALL perfect.  I did need to get myself lost at times, I did need to let go and to trust,  I did need to struggle and all of it was absolutely perfect.  

Really you have two choices here, you can either go through life thinking you are a victim and life is happening to you or you can own the perfection of life and be the master of your path.  

How do you do this you ask?  You start today and you start to approach each event that has you a bit confused and frustrated and you say to yourself "Its perfect, it's perfect even if I do not see the perfection of it, it is perfect."  If you are anything like me you will add some swear words along and resist the whole time.  I felt just like you do now, and I thought well, what is there to lose by trying?  

You see what will happen is when you resist the temptation of victim hood you will start to not only observe your life but understand the reasons why its perfect in each situation.  Yes, some times you are not going to be quite sure in the moment but you will have the confidence to trust you are safe and that the universe is actually working for you and not against you.   You are not here to fail after all are you?  

This article is in dedication to Kathryn Barley, my spiritual teacher.  I am sure you are inspiring souls on the other side at this very moment.