Psychic Medium Kimberle Lowry

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Flashback Friday- human chains

While running energy on a colleague back in 2009 I was stopped in my tracks with a powerful vision that I can't stop thinking of lately.  

I was shown what I can best describe as the likeness of the Grand Canyon but not quite as big.  I was shown myself and many other colleagues as well as strangers that do work similar to me, all with arms locked into each other facing this Canyon but standing on the edge of it.  We formed a complete chain around this opening.  I was shown in this Canyon what I can only describe as dark matter running vertically.  The energy was similar to a volcano erupting but it was erratic and it was made up of lines and was extremely tall.  I really can't compare it to anything I have seen but I can tell you it was nothing you wanted to get closer to.  Behind all of us were people, crowds of people, and our job was to keep our arms connected to each other tightly to prevent others from falling into or being affected by this massive violent eruption.  

I was able to see that after some time that darkness would burn out and that canyon would then be filled with bright beautiful light.  At that point it was just a huge exhale energetically for all of us.   

Unfortunately I was not given dates or times or length of this process.  I have shared this vision with quite a few of my clients through the years.  I felt it was time to share it once again on a larger scale.  I feel this is happening now and unfortunately like many of us I was not given a time frame for when it all turns to light.  I just know it will and want to validate anyone out there that is wondering how much more of this dark energy can we withstand.